We design and build custom 3D printers that can be built anywhere by anyone with patience and curiosity. We use open source hardware and locally available parts
We build 3D printers using steel pipe and clamps, custom build rails from aluminum window extrusions, use local materials and open source electronics. Our large format Delta printer is 6m high by 5 meters wide and capable of 3m x 1.7m printing area. For the last 4 years we have tested Cement/Lime/Ceramic/Recycled Plastic printing on this testbed. This is the largest open source printer in India and has been operating in a hot, humid, saline environment outdoors. We organize training courses to learn, to use and build the printer.
Research and Development
- we are testing recycled plastic printing using direct extrusion of ground waste plastic.
- Testing digital manufacturing of adobe structures with natural materials

How can you participate?
- Volunteer and collaborate in new designs (remotely or locally)
- Apply for internships (minimum 6 months)
- Come to our training courses!